Pre-Service Teachers’ Perceptions on Integrating a Social Networking Site for Language Learning into English Classes

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Jorge Andrés Mejía-Laguna et al., « Pre-Service Teachers’ Perceptions on Integrating a Social Networking Site for Language Learning into English Classes », Signo y Pensamiento, ID : 10670/1.9n4ey6


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"This paper aims to report on partial findings of a research study intended to explore how Social Networking Sites for Language Learning (SNSLL) can be integrated into English classes of a BA program in Teaching of Modern Languages. More specifically, this paper reports on the students’ perceptions before and during the implementation of a SNSLL (Busuu). The data was gathered through two collection techniques: surveys and learning logs. Regarding the participants’ perceptions before the use of Busuu, the data analysis shows that, despite some concerns about communicative ability and personal privacy, they perceived this kind of virtual communities as effective platforms to learn EFL through genuine interaction with other users. Although the students’ perceptions during the use of Busuu involved some usability limitations and technical issues, they reaffirmed the potential of this SNSLL to not only facilitate language learning, but also foster intercultural development and metacognitive processes."

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