Learning to integrate reflections on the classroom level and teacher professional development level: A step in novice facilitators’ growth

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10 juillet 2023

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Thomas Bardy et al., « Learning to integrate reflections on the classroom level and teacher professional development level: A step in novice facilitators’ growth », HAL-SHS : sciences de l'éducation, ID : 10670/1.agz4d1


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When experienced mathematics teachers enter preparation programs to become facilitators of mathematics teacher professional development (TPD), many of them mainly reflect on their own classroom practices. Thus, extending their reflections towards teachers’ learning on the TPD level has been described as important, so it was focused in our design research study on our one-year facilitator preparation program. In a qualitative analysis, we investigate the changes of 18 novice facilitators’ reflective focus (on classroom and TPD level) by comparing two small group discussions in the beginning and the end of the preparation program. The analysis reveals that facilitators can be supported by structured series of activities to shift their reflective focus from the classroom level to the TPD level, and over a year, develop familiarity to integrate both levels in one reflection.

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