Facilitators’ planning practices for PD activities and their alignment to chosen PD goals: A case study on relevance of unpacking PD goals

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10 juillet 2023

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Dilan Şahin-Gür et al., « Facilitators’ planning practices for PD activities and their alignment to chosen PD goals: A case study on relevance of unpacking PD goals », HAL-SHS : sciences de l'éducation, ID : 10670/1.at7qn9


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For promoting students’ mathematics learning and mathematics teachers’ learning in teacher professional development (PD), setting clear learning goals and designing activities that align with these goals is crucial. We lift a typical research approach on teachers’ planning practices to PD facilitators’ planning practices and investigate what facilitators need to achieve alignment between chosen PD goals and the PD activities they design in their planning. The qualitative analysis of three planning documents indicates that the quality of the facilitators’ unpacking of the PD goals might be crucial for coherent alignment of the activities to the PD goals.

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