"Check your Smile" prototype of a collaborative LSP website for technical vocabulary

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Nadia Yassine-Diab et al., « "Check your Smile" prototype of a collaborative LSP website for technical vocabulary », HAL-SHS : linguistique, ID : 10.14705/rpnet.2016.eurocall2016.613


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In a design-based research approach (Barab & Squire, 2004), we are currently developing the first prototype of a collaborative Language for Specific Purposes (LSP) website. It focuses on technical vocabulary to help students master any field of LSP better. " Check Your Smile " is a platform aggregating various types of gameplays for each of which games are generated, based on the content of a collaboratively-constructed/user-generated multilingual dictionary. To this day the platform integrates six lexical games. In addition, " Check your Smile " , as a prototype of a new platform itself, has been selected as an Initiative of Excellence Project from the University of Toulouse in France. In a context of digital game-based learning, and as games, gaming and playing have become one of the main trends in educative innovation, we first justify the choice of a digital game-based learning solution. Then, we present the methodology followed for the development of " Check your Smile " and describe the linguistic and collaborative objectives. Finally, we conclude by presenting the potential future evolutions of our platform, as the release candidate version will be accessible from early 2017 onwards.

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