Of silicites in the Ancient and Middle Paleolithic of Western Morocco Des silicites dans le Paléolithique ancien et moyen du Maroc occidental En Fr

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Jean-Paul Raynal et al., « Des silicites dans le Paléolithique ancien et moyen du Maroc occidental », HAL-SHS : archéologie, ID : 10.1016/j.anthro.2022.103018


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A first diachronic examination of the use of silicites by Early and Middle Palaeolithic hominins in the Moroccan Meseta is presented. An in-depth study of the origins of the different geo-materials was carried on series from five recently excavated sites in northern Meseta at Casablanca — Unit L and Grotte a` Hominide´ s at Thomas Quarry I, Grotte des Rhinoce´ ros and Grotte des Gazelles — and in the southern Meseta at Djebel Irhoud cave. They show that flints from the Phosphates Plateau were the most widely used, from the earliest moments of the Early Palaeolithic (at least 1.3 Ma), buttheir predominant use for lithic artefacts coincides here with the appearance of the MSA (around 0.35 Ma).

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