The Adoption of Smartphones Among Older Adults in China

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19 mars 2015

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Shang Gao et al., « The Adoption of Smartphones Among Older Adults in China », HAL-SHS : sciences de l'information, de la communication et des bibliothèques, ID : 10.1007/978-3-319-16274-4_12


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This research aims to investigate the adoption of smartphones with older adults in China. Based on the literature review from previous research, a research model with eight research hypotheses is developed by extending UTAUT with a consideration of observability and compatibility from IDT, and perceived enjoyment and price value. This research model is empirically examined using survey data from a sample of 121 older adults in China. Five research hypotheses were positively significant supported, while three research hypotheses were rejected in this study. The results suggest that social influence, observability, compatibility, performance expectancy and perceived enjoyment, are important determinants for the use and adoption of smartphones with older adults in China.

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