Towards an Automated Adaptive Learning Web Platform Through Personalization of Language Learning Pathways

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12 septembre 2022

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Aous Karoui et al., « Towards an Automated Adaptive Learning Web Platform Through Personalization of Language Learning Pathways », HAL-SHS : sciences de l'éducation, ID : 10.1007/978-3-031-16290-9_35


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Adaptive learning is increasingly gaining ground thanks to the rise of digital tools which are becoming more accessible to teachers. Indeed, the possibilities of adaptive learning are growing and can now vary according to the implemented digital tools and (most importantly) the needs of teachers and the often-heterogeneous profiles of students. This article presents the interactive platform GamesHUB, designed to promote Universal Design Learning (UDL) in Swiss French-speaking classrooms. GamesHUB is a full Web platform that allows the customization of teaching pathways depending on didactic goals and the needs of teachers and students. As part of the European “PEAPL” project, GamesHUB aims to assist teachers in pathways customization through an automation of this process, in partnership with the LIRIS computer science laboratory (France). This automation will be relying on a suggestion system based on the calculation of competency profiles from the learning tracks analytics. The article will describe the current functioning of GamesHUB, namely the adaptable pathways. In a second step, we introduce the principle of automation while mentioning the problem of trust and the need for transparency when it comes to artificial intelligence. Therefore, we present the learner and domain modeling underlying to the profile of competences.

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