Conceptos impresionistas, mancha, luz y color en el paisaje italiano del mar de Ignacio Pinazo

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Esther Ferrer Montoliu, « Conceptos impresionistas, mancha, luz y color en el paisaje italiano del mar de Ignacio Pinazo », HAL-SHS : histoire de l'art, ID : 10670/1.bfwvlt


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Ignacio Pinazo Camarlench (1849-1916) is considered one of the key figures in the the late nineteenth century survey of Spanish painting. Italy was crucial in his evolution as a painter. The present work deals with his two Italian stays, between 1873 and 1881, and their importance in the shaping of his experience on landscape, his discovery of the maritime theme, the pictorial concepts that defined his own painting way and his intuitive approach to Impressionism.

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