Vocational Guidance for Job Applicants in France

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Coralie Perez et al., « Vocational Guidance for Job Applicants in France », HAL-SHS : sociologie, ID : 10670/1.bhuule


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In France, "Pôle Emploi" is the central operator for services aimed at job applicants. It applies career guidance which in practice results in a review on employability and making a selection among the unemployed for an appropriate plan of action. Professionals lose out in terms of specialisation; they intervene within this framework to coach the unemployed and mobilise rather vague skills. Moreover, this de-specialisation is coupled up with a sort of standardisation and bureaucratic multi-tasking of job functions and positions. Consultants find themselves at the heart of a contradiction inherent to job guidance such as it is practised, which consists in associating thinking about vocational plans with a quick return to employment.

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