Initiating meta-cognitive communication in students’ discussions about process steps when solving real-world problems

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10 juillet 2023

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Bianca Beer et al., « Initiating meta-cognitive communication in students’ discussions about process steps when solving real-world problems », HAL-SHS : sciences de l'éducation, ID : 10670/1.cqxdea


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Real-world problems have been shown to pose many challenges to students. In particular, students are often not aware of the necessary process steps in the crack the problems for building suitable situation models. Instructional approaches that aim at promoting this awareness often try to elicit, compare and leverage students’ initial strategies, but sometimes with limited effects. In our design research project, we identified a possible background of these limited effects, namely students’ constraints on the meta-level, as many of the observed students constrained themselves to comparing results and calculation steps rather than strategies for process steps on a meta-level. So, we developed meta-cognitive tasks to support the students in engaging in the necessary meta-cognitivecommunication. In the case study of this paper, we compare two sixth graders’ discussions without and then with meta-cognitive tasks. The qualitative analysis reveals first indications that the tasks might help to engage students in meta-cognitive communication.

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