The representation of the world in national Arab news agencies: an exploration of (trans)national networks in the official Arab media

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Convergencia. Revista de Ciencias Sociales

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Daniel La Parra et al., « The representation of the world in national Arab news agencies: an exploration of (trans)national networks in the official Arab media », Convergencia. Revista de Ciencias Sociales, ID : 10670/1.e7sldp


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"The purpose of this paper is to draw a map of the representation of the world and of Arab states as reflected by the countries of the region. To do so, we have analysed the news (4,093 news randomly collected on February and August 2005) produced by the governments of the Arab states through their national news agencies. Several regional and world maps had been constructed to show the official Arab representation of the World, the Arab countries conflict agenda, the persistence of colonial ties (with the European metropolis) and the emergence of new relationships (Asian countries). The representation of the world that appeared in the analysis focuses its interest on the USA, the war in Iraq, the Israel-Palestine conflict, the United Kingdom, France, and Iran. The Arab regional powers organise the flow of information (Saudi Arabia and Egypt) and the colonial past determines the current structure of communication (French-speaking bloc and English-speaking bloc)."

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