Fostering diversity and cultural awareness emanated from learning one's context

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29 août 2019

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Lamprini Chartofylaka et al., « Fostering diversity and cultural awareness emanated from learning one's context », HAL-SHS : sciences de l'éducation, ID : 10670/1.ecr8yz


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In recent years, technology-enhanced learning environments bring parts of the world into the classroom. This paper values the importance of integrating cultural elements into the construction of scientific knowledge through educational practices, especially during the first school years of an individual. The evidence is drawn from a research project based on the implementation of a context effect-innovative learning strategy involving the use of technology to facilitate exchanges between learners around the globe. In our study case, putting synchronous and asynchronous forms of communication into practice between students in Guadeloupe and in Quebec, we identify the extent of children's active construction of scientific and global knowledge nurtured within intercultural experiences. Participants were asked to supply answers (during the post-test questionnaire phase) related to their impressions and the milestones acquired during communication with diverse cultures-peoples and contexts. As a result, the intricate world of their understanding inspired by their intercultural exchanges has been qualitatively classified into different categories and presented in this article for further exploration.

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