El vidrio en al-Andalus: una historia fragmentada

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Jorge de Juan Ares et al., « El vidrio en al-Andalus: una historia fragmentada », HAL-SHS : histoire, philosophie et sociologie des sciences et des techniques, ID : 10670/1.eecby0


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Glass from al-Andalus has received little attention from specialized research. Recent progress has shown its interest not only from a formal perspective, but also as an auxiliary source in understanding various aspects of Andalusian society. In this paper, we have compiled in a very synthetic way what we know so far about glass in al-Andalus. Starting with a brief introduction on the production and commercialisation of glass in al-Andalus based on archaeometric research, we outline the evolution of its forms and decorations throughout the history of al-Andalus. The aim is to highlight the great potential offered by a multidisciplinary approach combining information from written sources, archaeology, typology, and the chemical composition of glass. The research on glass in al-Andalus is its infancy but is already becoming a relevant tool for studying the development and diffusion of aesthetic trends, technologies, mechanisms of production and trade in the history of al-Andalus.

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