Introduction : Reading & Gaming

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8 juillet 2019

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Chloé Aubry et al., « Introduction : Reading & Gaming », HAL-SHS : littérature, ID : 10670/1.emb1nv


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This new issue of Publije follows up on a 2015 workshop " Reading & Gaming, compare, contrast and complement" (B. Ouvry-Vial & A. Sofronijevic (org.), Le Mans University. The issue gathers papers given at the workshop as well as other contributions sharing mutual interest for the relationships between reading, as a recreative activity and a mental process, and playing/gaming, both being conflated in the French word "le jeu". Articles are written in English of French. They seek similarities or commonalities between the behavioral aspects involved in each activity and take upon examples of "playful readers" or "reading players".

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