Developing a Japanese Language Test for a Multilingual Online Assessment System: Towards an Action-oriented Approach to Japanese Instruction in Europe

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5 mai 2017

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Tomoko Higashi et al., « Developing a Japanese Language Test for a Multilingual Online Assessment System: Towards an Action-oriented Approach to Japanese Instruction in Europe », HAL-SHS : linguistique, ID : 10670/1.er0jdt


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In order to respond to the need for transparent and common assessment criteria for European students learning the Japanese language, we have undertaken to develop a CEFR-based Japanese test in the multilingual assessment system “SELF” as a part of the Innvalangues project (Université Grenoble Alpes). In this paper, after an overview of SELF, we will present our approach and point out particular difficulties in the development of a test in a non-European language as a part of a multilingual common framework. We will highlight the risk of bias relative to sociocultural knowledge in a language test when the target language is socio-culturally distant from the learner’s language and present our reflection with examples of our tasks and items.

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