The worker's massacre of 1928 in the Magdalena Zona Bananera - Colombia. An unfinished story

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1 décembre 2012

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Jorge Enrique Elias Caro et al., « The worker's massacre of 1928 in the Magdalena Zona Bananera - Colombia. An unfinished story », Memorias: Revista Digital de Historia y Arqueología desde el Caribe, ID : 10670/1.etj7of


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This paper analyzes the reasons behind the Massacre of Workers in the Banana Zone of Magdalena, Colombia, carried out by the Colombian Army on December 6th, 1928. The author describes the dynamics of the International Banana Market and its relationship with the multinational companies and with the Colombian Labor and Trade Union regulations. There is also an analysis of the past history and context of this conflict, which inspired the Nobel Prize Winner Gabriel García Márquez in one of the chapters of his novel "One Hundred Years of Solitude", and of the manipulation of the information as registered by the Colombian Government and the United Fruit Company.

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