Geo-Prospecting Approach in The Service of The Land and Real Estate Development

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1 juin 2021

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Abdessalam Hijab, « Geo-Prospecting Approach in The Service of The Land and Real Estate Development », HAL-SHS : sciences de l'information, de la communication et des bibliothèques, ID : 10.19080/ASM.2021.06.555692


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In this article, we discuss an approach we called "Geo-Prospecting" based on the geo localization of urban planning and land data in vector mode. The goal is to better control and enhance the value of real estate by the developers themselves without the need for multiple intermediaries. Our proposal allows prospectors, using information and communication technologies (ICTs) moving on foot or by vehicle to access data more efficiently in real time, such as the delimitation of buildable areas, development roads, green spaces and facilities. This is possible thanks to the coupling of ICTs with geographic information system tools giving a geo localized representation of urban plans, parcel plans and their descriptive information. Our approach allows the integration of useful data for land prospecting on a territory, which not only optimizes time and costs, but also simplifies land prospecting and develops real estate field in general. It also contributes to the implementation of democratic governance and simplified access to information. We have experimented the method on the territory of Casablanca-Settat region in Morocco, using an online and spatially referenced platform called “Geo-P- Land”.

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