The first ROBAFIS-ROBSE international student competition in Systems Engineering

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Jean-Claude Tucoulou et al., « The first ROBAFIS-ROBSE international student competition in Systems Engineering », HAL-SHS : sciences de l'information, de la communication et des bibliothèques, ID : 10.1002/inst.12181


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Since 2006, AFIS, the French chapter of INCOSE, organizes every year a Systems Engineering student challenge, called RobAFis. It has been followed by GfSE, the German chapter of INCOSE, since 2016 with the RobSE challenge. Both chapters have organized a first common International Systems Engineering student challenge this year. For this challenge, French and German teams have competed with a same requirement document, applicable to a space exploration robot called Explorer II. Its global mission was to put waypoints (identification marks) on different points of a planet’s surface considered as dangerous, in order to allow vehicles of following missions to move securely. A final meeting has been organized at Pforzeim in March 2017.

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