Iteration, repetition and internal coherence within Le Corbusier’s creative process

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Luis Burriel-Bielza, « Iteration, repetition and internal coherence within Le Corbusier’s creative process », HAL-SHS : architecture, ID : 10670/1.f3eaix


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Architectural practice is without any doubt based in a constant enquiry over the project. Even more important would be the fact that this process bounces off in two opposite directions: from the context onto the project and from the building onto the surrounding frame of reference. Both these two extremes are confronted in an active dialogue and to a certain extent, they both perform as “mirrors”. However, in the case of Le Corbusier, these questions do not only revolve around these two poles but even further, they do so in relation to his whole career. If we look closely at his works, we will find out that several ideas, concepts, and strategies are transferred from one project to another as a tool able to trigger the creative process, thus unfolding through subsequent iterations. As part of this method, his own experiences and education during travels and visits help him to conform a synthesizing regard over the world.

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