Tracking variations in daily questionable health behaviors and their psychological roots: a preregistered experience sampling study

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REASON4HEALTH project, NUMBER 7739579


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Ljiljana Lazarević et al., « Tracking variations in daily questionable health behaviors and their psychological roots: a preregistered experience sampling study », Repository of Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory of the University in Belgrade, ID : 10.1038/s41598-023-41243-w


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People resort to various questionable health practices to preserve or regain health - they intentionally do not adhere to medical recommendations (e.g. self-medicate or modify the prescribed therapies; iNAR), or use traditional/complementary/alternative (TCAM) medicine. As retrospective reports overestimate adherence and sufer from recall and desirability bias, we tracked the variations in daily questionable health behaviors and compared them to their retrospectively reported lifetime use. We also preregistered and explored their relations to a wide set of psychological predictors - distal (personality traits and basic thinking dispositions) and proximal (diferent unfounded beliefs and biases grouped under the term irrational mindset). A community sample (N = 224) tracked daily engagement in iNAR and TCAM use for 14 days, resulting in 3136 data points. We observed a high rate of questionable health practices over the 14 days; daily engagement rates roughly corresponded to lifetime ones. Both iNAR and TCAM were weakly, but robustly positively related. Independent of the assessment method, an irrational mindset was the most important predictor of TCAM use. For iNAR, however, psychological predictors emerged as relevant only when assessed retrospectively. Our study ofers insight into questionable health behaviors from both a within and between-person perspective and highlights the importance of their psychological roots.

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