La suppression du travail immédiat comme facteur décisif de la production dans les Grundrisse de K. Marx

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Actuel Marx






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Jacques Texier, « La suppression du travail immédiat comme facteur décisif de la production dans les Grundrisse de K. Marx », Actuel Marx, ID : 10670/1.fm0qmv


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In 1857- 1858, Marx put forward the following radically innovative thesis : the material mode of production characteristic of capitalism is increasingly the result of the technological appliance of science, of its transformation into a direct productive force. As a result, the decisive factor in material prodiiction is no longer unmediated work, but the appliance of the productive power of general intellect, of man's social mind. In thus transforming its material mode of production, capital abolishes its own base : the tendency of capital towards universal development clashes with the narrowness of its base, which matches use value to exchange value.

In 1857- 1858, Marx put forward the following radically innovative thesis : the material mode of production characteristic of capitalism is increasingly the result of the technological appliance of science, of its transformation into a direct productive force. As a result, the decisive factor in material prodiiction is no longer unmediated work, but the appliance of the productive power of general intellect, of man's social mind. In thus transforming its material mode of production, capital abolishes its own base : the tendency of capital towards universal development clashes with the narrowness of its base, which matches use value to exchange value.

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