Hyperlink is not dead!

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3 octobre 2018

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Benjamin Ooghe-Tabanou et al., « Hyperlink is not dead! », HAL-SHS : sociologie, ID : 10.1145/3240431.3240434


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The emergence and success of web platforms raised a gimmick into social studies: “Hyperlink is dead!“. Capturing web users into mobile applications and private web platforms to propose them a specific user experience (and a business model) created indeed new silos in the open World Wide Web space. The simplified availability of user behavioural data through these platforms APIs reinforced this idea in academic communities by providing scholars with a rich and easy way to collect user centric data for their research. After discussing the methodological and ethical aspects of the web divide between platforms and classical websites, we will argue in this communication that hyperlinks, although more complex to collect, manipulate and apprehend, remain an invaluable matter to use the web as a research field. We will illustrate it using Hyphe, a dedicated web corpus creation tool we developed to mine hypertexts.

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