The welfare implications of climate change-related mortality: Inequality and population ethics

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Marc Fleurbaey et al., « The welfare implications of climate change-related mortality: Inequality and population ethics », HAL-SHS : économie et finance, ID : 10670/1.gh547s


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Climate change-related mortality may strongly affect human well-being. By reducing life expectancy, it reduces the well-being of some infividuals. This may exacerbate existing inequalities: ex-ante inequality among people in different groups or regions of the world; ex-post inequality in experienced well-being by people in the same generation. But mortality may also reduce total population size by preventing some individuals from having children. This raises the population-ethical problem of how total population size should be valued. This paper proposes a methodology to measure te welfare effects of climate change through population and inequality change. We illustrate the methodology using a climate-economy integrated assessment model involving endogenous population change due to climate change-related mortality.

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