In "conversation" with Andrew Murray Jr on Johannine Spirituality: God's presence in Christ's absence in the Fourth Gospel

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1 janvier 2022

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Elna Mouton, « In "conversation" with Andrew Murray Jr on Johannine Spirituality: God's presence in Christ's absence in the Fourth Gospel », Stellenbosch Theological Journal, ID : 10670/1.glybw2


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For Andrew Murray Jr (1828-1917), John 15 was significant for understanding believers' unification in Christ. Imagining a conversation with him, the essay explores experiences of Jesus' presence and absence in the Fourth Gospel [FG]. References to God's presence are characterised by the transferral of "temple" imagery to both Jesus and the Johannine community as the dwelling place where God's "tabernacling" presence is experienced (1:14; 2:13-22; 14:1-6). These images, distinctive of the 'household' dynamic of the FG (1:12-13, 18), are reflected in Jesus' engagement with his disciples (Jn 13-17) as mutual indwelling between God and them. Amidst his departing words (13:33; 14:2) and his followers' disillusion and grief (13:36-38; 14:1, 27; 16:20-22), Jesus invites them to "remain/dwell" in him/his love (15:4, 9), waiting upon the Counsellor whom 'the Father' will send in his name (14:26; 16:7, 13).

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