Building a carbon dioxide removal science-policy partnership for southern Africa

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1 octobre 2023

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Pedro M.S. Monteiro et al., « Building a carbon dioxide removal science-policy partnership for southern Africa », South African Journal of Science, ID : 10670/1.gqec45


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SIGNIFICANCE: Carbon dioxide removal (CDR) negative emissions interventions are needed to steer the planet to a safe climate by the end of the century. In this Commentary, we frame the rationale and likely challenges for a regionally focused and coordinated CDR-centred science-policy platform with a global reach to support the opportunities and minimise the risks associated with CDR in southern Africa. We make a first attempt to frame a new CDR-centred strategic compact in the science-government-innovation-business nexus that is required to enable South Africa to provide regional and global climate leadership and impact over the 21st century.

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