Tell Them Anything but the Truth: They Will Find Their Own: How We Visualized the Map of the Future with Respect to the Audience of Our Story

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Michele Graffieti et al., « Tell Them Anything but the Truth: They Will Find Their Own: How We Visualized the Map of the Future with Respect to the Audience of Our Story », HAL-SHS : histoire de l'art, ID : 10670/1.gveixa


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This paper is part of a research about the visualization of complex systems. More specifically, it focuses on the emerging need for a narrative approach in the understanding of complex networks. A listener plays a key role in any narration process. Likewise, in every visual representation, the observer has the same role: narrators evoke whereas observers interpret through their imaginary. Why should the designer use a narrative mode of thought? Why should he give to the audience a good story more than a sound argument?. To answer these questions, we present the Map of the Future we designed for Wired Italy.

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