Beyond Idiolectometry? On Racine's Stylometric Signature Au-delà de l'idiolectométrie? Sur la signature stylométrique de Racine En Fr

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17 novembre 2021

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Frenchmen (French people)

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Simon Gabay, « Au-delà de l'idiolectométrie? Sur la signature stylométrique de Racine », HAL-SHS : littérature, ID : 10670/1.i2byrb


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If stylometry has proven to be useful for literary history, especially for distant reading approaches of texts, it still has to show its efficiency regarding close reading. Taking the example of famous French playwright Jean Racine, we propose a double analysis of his plays, both distant and close, following the double objective of controlling its newly alleged paternity on Campistron's plays (which proves to be wrong using standard methods in stylometry), and interpreting the stylometric markers used for this attribution procedure. 17 th c. French having a relatively unstable spelling system, we also propose a new method for denoising, based on full linguistic annotation rather than simple lemmatisation.

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