Democratic capacities in the contemporary digital society. About democratic education Las capacidades democráticas en la sociedad digital contemporánea. En torno a la educación democrática Capacités démocratiques dans la société numérique contemporaine. À propos de l'éducation démocratique En Es Fr

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15 avril 2024


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María Angeles Abellán López et al., « Capacités démocratiques dans la société numérique contemporaine. À propos de l'éducation démocratique », HAL-SHS : sociologie, ID : 10670/1.j6nh7w


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This book brings together some lines of debate on democratic education from an interdisciplinary perspective. More than a century ago, John Dewey stated that democratic institutions are only as strong as their citizens, understanding that while democracies need ideals, they also need practical civic engagement. Contemporary societies are immersed in a structural complexity where changes are occurring at an accelerated pace, making it necessary to acquire competencies and skills to adapt to new contexts. Thus, throughout its eleven chapters, this book explores topics of interest for 21st century democracy such as civic education, transnational democracy, citizen participation in the European Union, political emotions, the question of parity and citizen science, and thus represents an effort to understand how our institutions are intertwined with the challenges of today's world.

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