An inland Neolithic settlement in the Ādam area (Late 5th millennium BC, Sultanate of Oman)

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1 juillet 2013

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Marion Lemée et al., « An inland Neolithic settlement in the Ādam area (Late 5th millennium BC, Sultanate of Oman) », HAL-SHS : archéologie, ID : 10670/1.kb5wwv


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Jabal al ‘Aluya is a Neolithic site located at the foot of Jabal Salekh near Adam. The site extends over 65 hectares, loosely occupied with 139 structures and lithic concentrations that were found all over the surface. The numerous cherts (almost bifacial tools) collected from this area date back to the Neolithic. Geomorphological studies show that the site is well preserved despite deflation. Moreover, its location is linked to the presence of water and the site is also close to sources of raw material.The remains are clearly concentrated in three zones, one of which has been studied. 80 m² were opened around a U-shaped stone hut dwelling. Postholes, a fireplace and a pit were uncovered, with what is believed to be a grinding tool, all of them promising discoveries. The location of the settlement in the hinterland of the Oman peninsula makes it all the more interesting since almost all the Neolithic sites excavated so far are located near the coastline, except for one at al-Buhais in the Emirates. Therefore, the site of Adam should be particularly useful to improve knowledge of the Neolithic period.

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