Kunara. Rapport préliminaire sur la cinquième campagne de fouilles (2017)

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Tablets, Cuneiform

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Aline Tenu et al., « Kunara. Rapport préliminaire sur la cinquième campagne de fouilles (2017) », HAL-SHS : histoire, ID : 10670/1.kcpudk


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Kunara is located near the modern city of Suleymaniyeh (Iraqi Kurdistan). It is a 7-10 ha site and has mainly levels dating to the last centuries of the 3rd millennium BC. This paper presents the results of the fifth excavation season in 2017, in the three areas, all opened in the lower town. In Area B, the eastern facade of the monumental building identified in 2012 has been excavated on its whole length. The work in Area C focused on the two northern buildings and on the half-sunken cellar where new cuneiform tablets belonging to the flour office were found. In Area E, we uncovered the southeast corner of the public building. Pottery, lithics and cuneiform tablets found in 2017 are also studied. © 2019 Assyriological Center Georges Dossin. All rights reserved.

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