Front of pack symmetry influences visual attention

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Sophie Lacoste-Badie et al., « Front of pack symmetry influences visual attention », HAL-SHS : droit et gestion, ID : 10.1016/j.jretconser.2019.102000


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This paper investigates the impact on visual attention of a symmetrical versus an asymmetrical arrangement on the front of pack (FOP) of FMCGs. The authors conducted a laboratory experiment using an eye-tracking method. Two FOPs were designed for each product category (orange juice, chocolate bars, pasta and biscuits). In one version the information items were arranged symmetrically around a vertical axis, and in another they were asymmetrically arranged. The findings show that symmetry influences viewers' attention, first by influencing the visual attention paid to the entire FOP and, second, by its impact on the capacity of specific FOP areas to capture and hold visual attention.

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