Pour une étude renouvelée des drakospita eubéens. État de la question et résultats des premiers relevés sur le site d’Ilkizès

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Karl Reber et al., « Pour une étude renouvelée des drakospita eubéens. État de la question et résultats des premiers relevés sur le site d’Ilkizès », Serveur académique Lausannois, ID : 10670/1.kxhehi


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The name “dragon houses”, Greek drakospita, refers to a group of dry-stone buildings with cantilevered stone roofs which are found, in particular, in the region between Styra and Karystos in the south of the island of Euboea. There is lively debate amongst academics as to the age and function of these dragon houses. Were they cult sites, observatories, watch-towers, shelters for quarry workers, or simply sheepfolds? When were they built? To answer these questions, the ESAG and the Ephorate of Antiquities of Euboea planned a joint excavation project, which had to be postponed, however, because of the pandemic. Now, preliminary cleaning of one of the dragon houses, at Ilkizes, has been completed, and floor and elevation plans have been prepared in advance of actual exploratory excavations in summer 2021.

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