Lessons from a master in tissue transfer: A study of the surgical notebooks of General Gustave Ginestet during the Foch years Leçons d’un maître en déplacement de tissus : études des carnets opératoires du médecin général Gustave Ginestet dans ses années Foch (1945–1959) En Fr

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Matthieu Olivetto et al., « Leçons d’un maître en déplacement de tissus : études des carnets opératoires du médecin général Gustave Ginestet dans ses années Foch (1945–1959) », HAL-SHS : histoire, philosophie et sociologie des sciences et des techniques, ID : 10.1016/j.anplas.2022.02.003


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The surgical notebooks (1945-1959) of General Gustave Ginestet are the last direct testimony of the quintessential period in which autoplastic techniques were used, before their twilight, favored by the advent of axial pedicle flaps, musculocutaneous flaps and later free flaps. They summarize all the refinements of the experience accumulated at the National Center for Reconstructive Surgery (Centre Médico-Chirurgical Foch-Suresnes). They appear to be more informative than the various books of the time, which were intended for an experienced public or for those benefiting from a companionship, thus eluding a certain number of precautionary advice, which are undoubtedly tacit but essential to obtain a successful operation in the hypothesis of their current use. This paper aims to establish the principles of historical surgical techniques and to integrate them into the management of patients in therapeutic impasse. One hundred and seven clinical situations requiring tissue displacement were analyzed by reconstructed region and by type of flap used. This technical view of the past, as close as possible to the daily practice of a famous reconstructive surgery center, does not offer absolute methodological or technical precepts. From the surgical notebooks studied, the only thing that emerges is a rigorous approach that allows us to contain a permanent doubt and an experimental process. This notion of constant evolution of the autoplastic practice, guided by its errors, intuitions and beliefs, highlights the importance of a surgical culture, which, with a humanistic approach, must be nourished by the paths of the past.

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