What role of natural gas in Russia’s decarbonized future?

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14 juin 2021

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Sour gas Gas, Natural

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Olga Garanina et al., « What role of natural gas in Russia’s decarbonized future? », HAL-SHS : économie et finance, ID : 10670/1.lga363


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Power sector is gaining a large importance in the transition process towards low carbon energy systems. This role is underpinned by the increasing electrification of final energy-consuming sectors and the development of large range of power generation options, which provide lower carbon emissions. Among these, intermittent renewables, including solar and wind, and natural gas emerge as key options. Renewables and gas have several complementarities that allow to improve cost-effeciently the flexibility and reliability of power systems, reduce the curtailement of intermittent renewables while mitigating the carbon footprint of electricity generation. This communication aims to investigate possible long-term pathways for electricity and emissions based on an increasing role of renewables and natural gas capacities in the power generation sector. The paper analyses the competitiveness of these sources in producing electricity and assesses the potential effect of strenghened climate policy actions implemented by several countries, on the progress of renewables and natural gas in the power generation mix.

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