Usage of prerecorded mathematics video-lectures – Comparison of the intentions of an instructor with students’ usage

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10 juillet 2023

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Frank Feudel et al., « Usage of prerecorded mathematics video-lectures – Comparison of the intentions of an instructor with students’ usage », HAL-SHS : sciences de l'éducation, ID : 10670/1.lkgz5k


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Video-recorded lectures have become a common element in many university mathematics courses. Hence, it is important to explore how students at tertiary level use such video-recorded lectures for learning mathematical content. We, therefore, conducted a study in which we investigated how students of a linear algebra course used prerecorded mathematics lectures for getting acquainted with the content presented in these. In addition, we compared their reported behavior with the intended usage as provided by the instructor. The results show that there might be discrepancies between these two – in particular regarding the usage of the pause and rewind features. While the instructor hoped that the students would use these mainly for gaining an understanding of certain pieces of content, several of our participants mostly paused or rewound for taking neat notes.

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