The macroeconomic determinants of COVID-19 mortality rate and the role of post subprime crisis decisions

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26 mai 2020

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Olivier Damette et al., « The macroeconomic determinants of COVID-19 mortality rate and the role of post subprime crisis decisions », HAL-SHS : économie et finance, ID : 10670/1.m0wz0b


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We investigate, for the first time, the empirical drivers of the Covid-19 crosscountry mortality rates at a macroeconomic level. The intensity of the pandemic (number of infected people), the demographic structure (proportion of people age 65 or above) and the openness degree (number of tourists arrivals) seem to be significant predictors in addition to health infrastructures (number of hospital beds, physicians). We also find that the subprime crisis and the austerity policies conducted in certain countries, by reducing the public health expenditures in the last ten years and altering the adaptation capacity of the health system, have probably intensified the tragic consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic. Pollution seems to have only played a marginal role as well as control strategies (travel restrictions, testing policy). We do not find consistent effects against the Covid-19 virus due to past exposal to other types of epidemics like Malaria or Tuberculosis.

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