From international experience to French case studies, PORT-VERT, a French research project investigating various possibilities of bicycle-transit intermodality

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19 mars 2012

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Claude Soulas et al., « From international experience to French case studies, PORT-VERT, a French research project investigating various possibilities of bicycle-transit intermodality », HAL-SHS : sociologie, ID : 10670/1.mbmcsc


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The PORT-VERT research project aimed at investigating bicycle-transit intermodality. After a selective state of the art, and the analysis of German best practices, the project explored technical and organizational aspects, socio-economic analysis and behavioural surveys, architectural aspects, ergonomics (as regards on board loading), and the involvement of multiple players. Finally, case studies in Marne-la-Vallée and Rouen were considered. The main results stated that to develop bicycle-transit intermodal use, the entire transport chain must be improved: the bicycle and its use, public transport (networks, stations, rolling stock) and intermodal facilities and services such as bicycle parking near stations. There is no single solution; individual contexts and potential for increase must be considered. An application study was carried out in Marne-la-Vallée for one Parisian suburban train station serving a large university; it showed how estimated potential use varies with different hypotheses with regard to local or global supporting measures.

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