Robert Collongues

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Chemistry Metal oxides

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Bernadette Bensaude-Vincent et al., « Robert Collongues », HAL-SHS : histoire, philosophie et sociologie des sciences et des techniques, ID : 10670/1.mjfg8f


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Collongues, the heir to a long research tradition dating back to Henry Le Chatelier in the early twentieth century, contributed to the emergence of solid-state chemistry in France. Around 1950, Collongues's early works on crystal-structure defects in iron oxides led him to reappraise the concept of non-stoichiometry and to focus on order-disorder phenomena. Then he promoted the crystal-growth of metal oxides by developing high temperature devices during the 1960s. He became a world leader in refractory materials and single crystal-growth in the 1960s, moved into solid-state ionics during the 1970s, and shifted to optical materials after 1980. His most notable contribution was the founding of a major French research school that promoted solid-state chemistry at the national and international levels.

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