An MDA Method for Service Modeling by Formalizing REA and Open-edi Business Frameworks with SBVR

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20 avril 2011

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Jelena Zdravkovic et al., « An MDA Method for Service Modeling by Formalizing REA and Open-edi Business Frameworks with SBVR », HAL-SHS : sciences de l'information, de la communication et des bibliothèques, ID : 10.1007/978-3-642-19997-4_20


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Business frameworks offer great opportunities of communication between people for working on the enterprise system engineering processes, as well as for eliciting services that the enterprise can offer in collaboration contexts. However, these kinds of frameworks, such as Resource-Event-Agent and Open-edi, recently unified in Open-edi Business Ontology (OeBTO), lack formal representations. This fact considerably limits their use in system development, particularly in model-driven development methods where the efficiency of transformations is of great importance. In this paper we suggest a formalization of OeBTO using OMG’s standard Semantics of Business Vocabulary and Business Rules (SBVR), as a method for creating a service-centric business model. This makes it possible to provide the necessary formal logic foundation to allow automatic processing of the business model and its transformation to a system-level service model. An example from the bank loan business sector is used to argument the application of the method.

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