Meaning Construction and Evolution: A Case Study of the Design-in-Use of a System for Inclusive Education Teachers

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1 août 2016

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Heiko Hornung et al., « Meaning Construction and Evolution: A Case Study of the Design-in-Use of a System for Inclusive Education Teachers », HAL-SHS : sciences de l'information, de la communication et des bibliothèques, ID : 10.1007/978-3-319-42102-5_20


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Evolution in the digital technologies has changed the way people interact with others mediated by those devices. In this paper, we argue that systems design needs to go beyond the meaningful interaction of people with computational systems, and include meaningful interaction among people that is mediated by computational artefacts, by rules and norms that guide people’s actions, as well as by culture, values, and intentions. This paper presents a case study of design-in-use of a system for inclusive education teachers. The design process for the system is participatory and based on Organisational Semiotics, i.e., explicitly considers collaborative meaning construction and negotiation. We illustrate and discuss examples of meaning construction and evolution from the perspective of interface and interaction design.

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