Jeux de langage et gouvernance interactive dans un univers complexe

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Magali Orillard, « Jeux de langage et gouvernance interactive dans un univers complexe », HAL-SHS : économie et finance, ID : 10670/1.nnuh3h


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I begin this research by taking a sociological point of view in order to study the behaviour of agents, the actors belonging to the heterogeneous populations, basing it on a cognitivist and social approach of identity and on the hypothesis according to which the logics of action have their legitimacy in an infinite fragmentation of « me » as in Elster[1] and Lahire [2]. The basic idea is to generalise this approach by going beyond the collective-individual duality in order to consider the changes of scale (very much as envisaged by Grossetti [3] and the resulting opacity in the context of globalisation and the « dynamic relation to the world » (by alluding to Thévenot [4]) which underpins these logics of action and characterises the behaviour of different actors. The complexity of the universe thus described requires that we should return to the notion of incomplete representations in the sense of Simon [5] and to the contextualization of actions in the sense of White [ 6]. The paradigm on which this work is based, that is to say interactionism, enables us to take note of the fittings or embeddedness, in the sense of Granovetter [7] of structures, of networks to which the actors belong. At the level of the social game in which these actors participate, the goal is to explain how the different forms of engagement, in the sense of Thèvenot , are rendered explicit through the devices in the sense of Déotte [8], the networks, as artefacts and the cognitive shortcuts set in place at level of the genesis and of the evolution of these structures. This shows the embeddedness of engagements of different actors resulting from the language games in the sense of Lyotard [9] and characterises the complex mediation processes. The phenomena of globalisation and self-organisation are here characteristics of the « indetermination of the translation » (defined by Quine [10] from which we shall try to measure the consequences involved in the interactive governance.

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