Local and cross-border dynamics of energy management and transition: a Franco-Germancomparison

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Carole Wernert, « Local and cross-border dynamics of energy management and transition: a Franco-Germancomparison », HAL-SHS : géographie, ID : 10670/1.np1fqw


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Local energy management methods are grappling with the multiple crises that are sweeping Europe (climate, energy, geopolitical crisis, etc.) and must constantly adapt to these new contexts.One of the objectives of this contribution is to show how these local energy management methods participate in energy transition challenges. Through a comparative study between cities in France (Metz) and Germany (Saarbrücken), we will show that these local energy management modes are subject to historical and cross-border influences that can be favourable to transition. However, given the national frameworks in which they operate, these energy management methods do not have the same capacity to tackle the challenges of renewable energy supply. In cross-border areas, these models are also able to weave or project new energy partnerships, particularly through networks of cities, while considering the production of new scales of energy and climate governance that are given new meaning in the light of current geopolitical tensions.

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