По следам ученой поездки П. П. Покрышкина в 1916–1917 гг.: К 100-летию Буковинской экспедиции Археологической комиссии и Академии наук [Po sledam učenoj poezdki Petra Pokryškina v 1916-1917 godov: k 100-letiju Bukovinskoj ekspedicii Arxeologičeskoj Komissii i Akademii nauk]

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Aleksandr Musin et al., « По следам ученой поездки П. П. Покрышкина в 1916–1917 гг.: К 100-летию Буковинской экспедиции Археологической комиссии и Академии наук [Po sledam učenoj poezdki Petra Pokryškina v 1916-1917 godov: k 100-letiju Bukovinskoj ekspedicii Arxeologičeskoj Komissii i Akademii nauk] », HAL-SHS : histoire, ID : 10670/1.pdpzxb


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This paper presents brief information about the scientiic expedition of the Archaeological Commission and Academy of Sciences to Bukovina during the First World War with the goal of protection of the cultural heritage in the region of war activities. The present authors characterize the results of the trip, present Peotr P. Pokryshkin's recommendations concerning preservation and restoration of monuments including those now speciied in the list of the World Cultural Heritage of UNESCO and describe the manuscript and photographic documents of the expedition which are kept in the archives of IIMK RAS. These materials are a unique source for the history, culture and ethnography of Ukraine and Romania since many monuments and museum collections were lost in the 20 th century. A scientiic trip undertaken in 2017 allowed us to estimate how the state of the monuments has changed during a century and project the character of the further studies and popularization of the results of the forgotten expedition.

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