A field guide to Berlin. Designing teaching material for a field visit in urban studies

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21 novembre 2023

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Martin Müller et al., « A field guide to Berlin. Designing teaching material for a field visit in urban studies », Serveur académique Lausannois, ID : 10670/1.pjiw35


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This field guide is part of a larger field course called ‘Urban Dynamics’ (Dynamiques Urbaines), running in the third year of the Bachelor degree in Geography at the University of Lausanne. In this course, students are expected to define and realise for the first time a self-organised research project in groups, taking place in Berlin. It starts from the observation that urban change is always subject to contestation and debate, and therefore to politics. We distinguish between big P Politics, that is, the institutionalised politics of political institutions, state actors, and officials; and small p politics, the politics of everyday contestations, solidarity, protesting and sometimes of simply acting in one way than another, that pervades Berlin. It contains two field days in Berlin that students can undertake as a self-guided tour. Each day has four sites for which the field guide contains both background information, key concepts of urban geography, and questions that familiarise them with important debates.

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