Turkish spoken in transnational families (Antioch, Paris, Berlin)

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5 septembre 2018

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Suat Istanbullu, « Turkish spoken in transnational families (Antioch, Paris, Berlin) », HAL-SHS : linguistique, ID : 10670/1.qhucf8


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Due to its history and geographical position, Turkey is multiethnic, multicultural and multilingual (Andrews 1989;Virtanen 2003)andso is the region of Antioch (Doǧruel 2013)which is anArabic-Turkish bilingual region since its attachment to Turkey in 1939.The linguistic situationhas been documented in different ways: Antiochian Arabic (Arnold 1998), alanguage shift towards Turkish (Smith2003; Sofu 2009),bilinguality and Turkish and Arabicmutuallanguage influences (Cengiz 2006; Cengiz & Türk 2009),andthe particularityof the language under the term Hatay/Antakya Ağzı,litterally Hatay/Antioch mouth(Öztürk 2009;Nakib 2004).Although many studies take Turkish migrants into account, the Turkish language in emigrationalcontext is poorly documentedand the varietiesof Turkishareeven lessstudied, likethe Turkish spoken in Antiochimported in the contextsof migration in France and in Germany.Drawing on a multi-sited ethnographic approach (Marcus 1995) withrecordings of family intergenerational interactionsand following aquantitative and a qualitativeanalysis, in this communication I will show various uses of Antiochian Turkishin a novel context of contactnext to Arabic and French or German (Istanbullu 2017), as linked to place and time, as well as to family language policy

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