Concussion education : is it making a difference?

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21 septembre 2020

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Jeffrey Caron, « Concussion education : is it making a difference? », Papyrus : le dépôt institutionnel de l'Université de Montréal, ID : 10670/1.qqu51b


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In response to the growing concern about concussions, experts have stated a need to educate athletes and members of the sport environment about the injury. Although the type of information that should be included in concussion education has generally been agreed upon (e.g., signs and symptoms, management strategies, long-term sequelae), it is not clear at this point the best way to disseminate this information. Most initiatives have used printed educational materials and web-based platforms such as websites and social networking sites to deliver concussion education. Evidence about the effectiveness of these modalities is currently either inconclusive or has suggested that they are not effective when used as a standalone strategy. There have also been some concussion education interventions published in the literature. Results of the interventions suggests there are short-term improvements in knowledge, but limited effect on knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors beyond three months. This chapter provides an overview of contemporary concussion education efforts and discusses implications for future research and practice.

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