Parution article: Defeating the Austerians of the warfare state. French arms policy through the lens of the Programmatic Action Framework par Samuel B.H Faure.

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4 juillet 2021

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Frenchmen (French people)

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Le GrUE, « Parution article: Defeating the Austerians of the warfare state. French arms policy through the lens of the Programmatic Action Framework par Samuel B.H Faure. », GRUE - Groupe de recherche sur l'Union européenne, ID : 10670/1.rs941t


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Samuel B.H Faure, membre du GrUE, publie un article intitulé "Defeating the Austerians of the warfare state. French arms policy through the lens of the Programmatic Action Framework" dans European Policy Analysis. En voici le résumé: This article contributes to the development of the Programmatic Action Framework (PAF) based on the case study of the procurement of the French Rafale fighter jet rather than the American F-18 by the French government in the 1980s. This decision-making dilemm...

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