Understanding Archives : Towards New Research Interfaces Relying on the Semantic Annotation of Documents Comprendre les archives : vers de nouvelles interfaces de recherche reposant sur l'annotation sémantique des documents Understanding Archives : Towards New Research Interfaces Relying on the Semantic Annotation of Documents En Fr

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17 octobre 2023

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Archives ouvertes



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Nicolas Gutehrlé et al., « Comprendre les archives : vers de nouvelles interfaces de recherche reposant sur l'annotation sémantique des documents Understanding Archives : Towards New Research Interfaces Relying on the Semantic Annotation of Documents », HAL-SHS : sciences de l'information, de la communication et des bibliothèques, ID : 10670/1.sepjto


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The digitisation campaigns carried out by libraries and archives in recentyears have facilitated access to documents in their collections. However, exploringand exploiting these documents remain difficult tasks due to the sheer quantity ofdocuments available for consultation. In this article, we show how the semanticannotation of the textual content of study corpora of archival documents allow tofacilitate their exploitation and valorisation. First, we present a methodologicalframework for the construction of new interfaces based on textual semantics, thenaddress the current technological obstacles and their potential solutions. Weconclude by presenting a practical case of the application of this framework

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