Abuse in the church? A social constructionist challenge to pastoral ministry

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1 janvier 2013

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Rosemaré A. Visser et al., « Abuse in the church? A social constructionist challenge to pastoral ministry », HTS Theological Studies, ID : 10670/1.sixn8h


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The article focuses on abusive practices in the faith community. It indicates that abusive behaviour is more often than not unintentional and is ostensibly driven by a zeal for God and the church. The article explores this anomaly by examining the phenomenon of abuse in the faith community from a social constructionist, psychological, sociological and theological perspective. Pastoral ministry is challenged to foster self-reflexivity and awareness, as well as to revisit current (outdated) beliefs and practices, to test their suitability for the postmodern context in which the church is to tell and live her story.

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