La diplomatie pontificale et les réfugiés juifs au Brésil (1939-1941) : une enquête préliminaire dans les archives de Pie XII A diplomacia pontifícia e os refugiados judeus no Brasil (1939-1941): uma investigação preliminar nos arquivos de Pio XII Fr Pt

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5 juillet 2022

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Jair Santos, « La diplomatie pontificale et les réfugiés juifs au Brésil (1939-1941) : une enquête préliminaire dans les archives de Pie XII », HAL-SHS : histoire, ID : 10.11606/issn.2316-9141.rh.2022.191259


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This paper studies the role of papal diplomacy in the negotiations between the Vatican and the government of Getúlio Vargas for the granting of visas to Jewish refugees converted to Catholicism ("non-Aryan Catholics") between 1939 and 1941. Based on the archives of Pope Pius XII's pontificate, opened in March 2020, it also dialogues with both the Brazilian historiography on migration policies and with the recent European historiography dedicated to Catholicism. It intends to contribute to the debates concerning the role of the Church in the issue of Jewish refugees in Brazil.

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